Guest room; pinterest craft

We all love Pinterest right?  I know I’ve got to be one of the last people to have found that wonderful site.  I’m always the last one to know about anything!  I haven’t been poking around too long there, but let me tell you something most of you already know……it’s completely addicting and easy to lose track of time while pinning through all the cool DIYs,  cute animals, gardening & just about any interest you can imagine.

I am a Wine drinker.  I love my sweet Reds and Whites! Not so much into the whole wine connoisseur thing (don’t know the lingo, the swirling, or the pairings etc.) I just like the taste, pure and simple.  And since I am being honest, I think the best tasting wines, are the cheapest wines  (I know, it’s shameful)!  Robertson Winery Sweet Red, Carlo Rossi Sangria, and Piemonte Moscato (my favorite Italian wine).  That being said, I collect a lot of wine bottles.  Thank you Pinterest for some cool ideas to put the bottles to use!

So, for my first wine bottle project, I made this cute inspirational bottle for my guest room decor.

Wine Bottle Craft~Some items I used


Finished Wine Bottle Craft

Finished Wine Bottle Craft

No instructions needed….just find some baubles & beads you want on your bottle.  I went to the craft supply section at Wal-mart, and picked up thin jewelry wire (several yrd spool for $1), a pkg of assorted beads for $2, 1 strand of silver word charms $2, (I had the jute twine, and burlap), a plastic ball (the kind found in gum machines or that pantyhose comes in) filled with 2 yrds lace trim $1, and a cross $1.99.  Since I have much leftover of beads and lace etc, I estimate total spent for this project, approx $3. (not including cost of actual wine needed for empty bottle 😀 )

I also needed a basket for my guest room to hold my new found hobby supplies. (Crochet) yarn & needles that are needed for my next project.  I wanted to add color to the basket as well, to fit the room.  I used several colors to give it an aged effect, which the lighting did not pick up….(I always pick the worst time of day to take photos!) The basket was picked up at Goodwill for $1.99. Not sure of it’s age, but it is made rather well.

Wicker Basket -before

Wicker Basket -before

Wicker Basket -after

Wicker Basket -after

So two simple little crafts to add a personal touch to my quaint vintage guest bedroom project.  Have you used wine bottles for a craft project? How do you use wicker in your home?



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